Utilizing AI and Machine Learning to cluster dating profiles.

Get automatically paired with your most compatible match and form lasting connections.

How does it work?

Sign up, set your preferences, and let the AI do the rest!

By learning your stated preferences either explicitly in your settings or implicitly through your engagement with the twenty-ish AI generated faces, the model filters the profiles and attempts to find your most compatible match. The smart match-making algorithm’s accuracy increases the more interaction you have with the suggestions. It then looks for a specific pattern and tries to correctly predict your romantic interest in the next profile.s

Who is Bella?

Sign up, choose your preferences, and let the AI do the rest!

Train the model to your preferences

Datine is made in a way to learn from your preference and be trained to predict your type and preference in terms of looks and other compatibility personality traits.

Integrated Chating Service

There's never been a better moment to find a potential partner. Datine provided the opportunity to connect with people in real time.

Get Matched in Seconds.

Datine goes way beyound any traditional dating platforms. Make genuine connections fast, safe and easily.

Happy Clients

Successful Matches

Success Rate


Database of Faces


Explore what we can do for you

Experience an artificial intelligence whose sole purpose is to find the right partner for you

Ever wondered if you went straight past your soulmate and felt that instant subconscious connection with a stranger, but couldn’t find the feet to walk up to them. Introducing Bella, the only third wheeler you will ever need!

Paired with your choice of smart glasses, your everyday stroll down the park or your walk to the nearest grocery store will be spiced up as the lens will be able to facially recognize other DATINE users. If the recognized user matches your preferences, and you match theirs… IT’S A MATCH. The app will automatically display the compatibility level between the two of you, as well as information about the person.

If you are afraid of awkward encounters, let BELLA help you break the ice, as she will display a list of conversation starters based on the information she has on you two. Maybe talk about her favorite book, or comment on his new sneakers, there will always be something Bella can come up with.

Bella asks questions on its own . She walks through real life scenarios and situations like daily housing choices, lifestyle preferences and asks various questions from our bank of questions in order to better understand the other person's personality better.

Questions Range from:



Emotional cognition

Art and Music taste

Previous Relationships

Bella comes with you wherever you go

Facial Recognition

Conversation Starters

Compatibility Rating

Multi Platform Availablility


Here's what Bella brings to the table

Artificial Intelligence

Bella learns who you are by speaking with you. Through questions and answers over text, she recognizes your preferences and desires

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A first of its kind, Bella makes conversations natural and flawless.

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Personal Assistant

Bella is always with you through the entires step of the way, making the whole process seamless.

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Real Time Face Recognition

Integrated with the app and smart glasses, Bella is not only able to identify data about other Datine users, but is also able to give their personality traits as well as a compatibility rating.

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Automated Chatbot

You don't have to sacrifice your dating life for your work life anymore! If Bella finds a potential match in the database, she will automatically text them on your behalf, ask questions, and get to know the person better.

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Emotional Recognition

Bella is not only trained to look out for physical appearance but also for other subtle emotional and personality traits.

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What they are saying about us

After my wife left me, I never thought I would date again being a guy nearly approaching my 50s. Thanks to Datine, I found a young beautiful girl that I’m head over heels for in just a matter of months. Never give up on love!

Saul Goodman

Ceo & Founder

Being a single, full time kindergarten teacher, I have always wished for children of my own. I installed this app a few weeks after its launch and I am so pleased with the way the platform has evolved. Bella found the man of my dreams, Matthew, in just a few months of using the app, and after 2 years of dating we finally decided to tie the knot. Thank you Bella !!!

Sara Wilsson


I'm 34 years old and I have been working at my father’s store since I graduated from highschool. I have always struggled with finding a partner as being a store owner is a full time job. I start my day at 8 am and work all the way till 11 pm. I never had time to find the right type of girl and none of the dating apps have helped me find my dream girl. I nearly gave up on my love life, and then my friend told me about Datine. The app not only found a perfect girl for me, but also took care of the awkward talking stage. I’m now in a happy, committed relationship for the past 3 months. Thank you Datine!

John Larson

Store Owner

As a freelancer, I meet a lot of people, but being the shy type has always stopped me from walking up to other guys and talking to them. Datine helps me come up with great conversation starters when I run into someone using the app and it ensures that my reserved personality doesn’t make things awkward. Perhaps the best part about Datine however is that it only matches me with other guys with the same sexual preference as me, and as part of the LGBTQ community, this feature can help avoiding many awkward conversations about sexuality.

Matt Brandon


THANK YOU DATINE! I just celebrated my 1st year anniversary with a date that BELLA found for me. I have never been happier :) After several toxic dating experiences, having such a healthy relationship has not only helped me feel better about myself but also greatly improved my businesses and work life. Continue this amazing work!

Jena Karlis



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Abu Dhabi, UAE

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